
Canned Wine: A Quick Guide to Canning Wine

Canned wine has been one of the fastest growing sales segments for the wine industry. In August of 2019, a Wall Street Journal article noted that canned wine growth grew 80% to $90 million during the year.  Traditional bottle-only perspectives on canned wine are changing. Winemakers continue to expand the segment with new flavors and options that compete with bottles in taste tests.

A few noteworthy factors have helped encourage the rise of canned wine. Consumers appreciate the portability and convenience of wine in a can. Aluminum packaging is infinitely recyclable, which appeals to sustainability-minded wine consumers and wineries alike. Health-conscious drinkers demand alternative alcoholic beverage options in smaller-format servings. Additionally, now more than ever, people want accessible single-serve offerings that let them explore premium wines flexibly. As a result, cans have become an in-demand wine package here to stay.

Importantly, consistent canning technology plays a vital role in helping winemakers maintain quality flavor standards and manage carbonation. Since wine alcohol content by volume (ABV) is higher than other drinks, container size matters as well. Canning systems can provide flexibility for format size while protecting the integrity and flavor profile of the wine.

Wild Goose customers like Francis Ford Coppola Winery and Colterris Winery depend on the reliability, consistency and flexibility of their canning equipment to support their premium wines. For more on the journey to canning wine, check out this Customer Spotlight featuring Bo Felton, wine maker at Colterris Winery.

Find out more about why cans have grown as a trusted package for wines (and what you should know if you’re considering canning your wine). Read our canned wine eBook, Think Outside the Bottle: A Quick Guide to Canning Wine.

Read or download the eBook here (PDF)

Canned Wine eBook: A Quick Guide to Canning Wine


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